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Why Dads Love Cariloha Bamboo

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Why Dads (and all guys) LOVE Cariloha Bamboo Clothes & More

Men and Women of all ages love Cariloha Bamboo Clothes, Bedding and More

It’s no secret that my family and I LOVE Cariloha bamboo products. What’s not to love bamboo clothes, bedding or really anything Cariloha?! Cariloha is all about comfort, health and an eco-conscious lifestyle and it shows in their amazing products. From their clothes to the their amazing, super soft sheets you too will become addicted to everything bamboo at Cariloha.

My hubby with his newest Cariloha shirt. We gave it to him just before Father’s Day. In this photo he doesn’t yet know he’s got more Cariloha goodies coming his way.

Cariloha Bamboo

Since it was recently Father’s Dad and because let’s face it we don’t always highlight the men in our lives as much as say the kiddos. This round we decided to make it a Cariloha Bamboo for dad for summer comfort.

For those who are not yet bamboo addicted we need to share some of the reasons why bamboo clothes and bamboo anything are so awesome. So seriously Why Bamboo?

Bamboo grows pesticide-free, self-regenerates when cut down, and some species can grow up to four feet per day. Cariloha has the solution to keep you dry, cool, and odor-free every day. Explore all the incredible features of this miracle plant, and discover what it takes to transform bamboo into one of the softest materials on the planet.

Would you look at that daddy and daughter photo and both of them wearing their Cariloha bamboo shirts.

Cariloha Bamboo

Super Soft and Comfortable

Cariloha bamboo shirts are super soft, in fact they are twice as soft as cotton. It is without a doubt the most comfortable material in the world. It also helps you to stay cool despite what your kids may say about your coolness factor. Okay we don’t mean that although we think you’d look darn cool in some of these bamboo threads. Bamboo keeps you cool temperature wise, it’s 3 degrees cooler than cotton and it wicks moisture away from your body. That makes their clothes perfect for summer and seriously all year long. I myself tend to run hot (and no, we’re not talking THE hotness factor) and am always looking for any clothes, bedding etc.. to help keep me cool.

Cariloha Bamboo

We got hubby these bamboo fit shorts. You don’t want to see him and his polar white legs in them though haha. Seriously though, they are comfy, cooling and wash easily. They do get wrinkled but steam them or just wear them and he’s good to go.

Bamboo Socks

Hubby also loves their socks, well we all do but this man is practically a sock expert and loves his socks. He’s the guy you can give socks to for Father’s Day and any occasion. Like their clothes they are soft, breathable (important for socks) and comfy. My hubby though he even wears socks with his sandals (shudder), I can’t stand the look but hey he says it’s comfy for him.

Cariloha Bamboo

Repels Odors and Allergens

Speaking of socks, for the guys and yes gals too, those who are active, athletes etc.. we all know about the stinky gym bag and/or clothes in the hamper. Well guess what? Bamboo naturally repels odors and allergens. The latter is a blessing for me, the one with environmental allergies, you know dust, pollen, trees, the great outdoors in the summer.

Dad in the Hoody

One of the items hubby got was the Cariloha bamboo hoody. I had one for a while even though it’s listed as men’s let’s face it, anyone can wear a hoody and these are comfy. I like them because they are light but give me coverage if it’s too cool for short sleeves but too hot for a heavy jacket. He kept stealing my hoody so now he has one of his own and his darn happy about it.

Cariloha Bamboo

Keeping it Green

So let’s see we’ve talked about how super comfy Cariloha bamboo clothes are, super soft, cooling, repels odors & allergens and just amazing. Guess what? That’s not all, Bamboo saves trees! You bet it regenerates naturally and is one of the most eco-friendly resources on the planet. That’s a win for us and our planet, what’s not to love about that. Oh did I mention bamboo also keeps our soil stronger and our air cleaner? It’s really the super resource of the earth.

Cariloha Bamboo

Not only do we love bamboo clothes for their comfort, coolness and more we are seriously doing our part for our planet when we go with bamboo. Here’s hubby enjoy an almost 100% Cariloha bamboo outfit! His shoes are the only things not made of bamboo. He’s got the shirt, the hoody, the socks and those bamboo training pants for everyday comfort, going to the gym or just being comfy! So comfy hubby and one of our dogs decided to go jogging in the forest.

Cariloha Bamboo

Now do you understand why all guys and okay everyone LOVES Cariloha bamboo everything? One try and you will be addicted. My family and friends are always shocked when I let them check out my bamboo sheets. Hey keep it clean there, I mean I bring out a sheet to them or a shirt so they can feel how soft it is. At any given time one of us if not all are wearing something bamboo, if not our socks, our shirt or pants. My daughter can’t wait until their pants fit her, right now as she’s so petite only their X-Small or Small shirts fit her. So for now she can’t steal any of my bamboo clothes, whew.

Cariloha Bamboo sheets

How could you not want to have Cariloha bamboo sheets and blankets when they look this comfy and soft? My daughter and our dog LZ sure didn’t want to leave that bed! You can see more photos and our review of their bamboo resort sheets HERE.

To find out more about Cariloha and the products they carry, you can visit them online or become a follower of their social media sites.


I know we’ve given you so many reasons to love Cariloha but here’s one more, they’re giving one lucky reader a $150 gift code. Go enter HERE but hurry it’s over July 7, 2017 but it is open to US & Canada!

By on June 22nd, 2017

About Powered by Mom

I’m Michelle aka Powered by Mom. I’m married with one daughter, my hubby was my high school sweetheart, our two dogs Nyx and Cleo and our cat Oliver. As you can see we’re a family of animal lovers. We love to travel when we can, try different food and activities all over the world and enjoy being together. My passions are writing, travelling, creating new recipes, encouraging people to adopt not shop and just to enjoy life while we can.

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215 thoughts on “Why Dads Love Cariloha Bamboo”

  1. This is such a great list of gifts for guys! I love how soft Bamboo products are and how Eco-friendly they are as well! Loving that Zip-up Hoodie, it would be perfect for my husband! Thanks for sharing your super review! Checking out Cariloha right now!

  2. I have heard so many great things about bamboo clothing and just materials in general! Ive heard it’s so soft! Cannot wait to try them!

  3. The only bamboo items I have are nursing pads! They are super soft! My kids have a few bamboo clothing pieces. I would love to try some Cariloha!

  4. Something I learned —> Bamboo keeps you cool temperature wise, it’s 3 degrees cooler than cotton and it wicks moisture away from your body.

  5. I love that the shirts are twice as soft as cotton and keep you cool. I definitely want to try the shirts, as well as the bed sheets.

  6. I didnt even know clothing could be made of bamboo! y husband is a sweater..very sweaty in summer especially..and the socks and shirts would be awesome for him i think!

  7. This seems like a great product. I love that they repel allergens as my allergies are terrible especially in the summer and fall.

  8. Bamboo clothing sound like great clothing but sound pricy two.would love to try but could never afford to.

  9. I have some Cariloha towels and a skirt and love them! They are so dang soft and durable.I would love to snag some stuff for my hubby!

  10. I have tried their t shirts and found them to be high quality. I would love to try their sheets and towels.

  11. bed stuff sheet pillow cases towel clothes are all better than cotton cooler by 3 plus degrees are more durable if you take care of it, it will last long tine

  12. I learn that Bamboo keeps you cool temperature wise, it’s 3 degrees cooler than cotton and it wicks moisture away from your body.

  13. I love that bamboo keeps you cooler, that is great, and now after learning this I am looking into buying bamboo clothing for my family as we need all the help we can get to keep cool in southern GA in the summer.

  14. I did not know that bamboo grows pesticide-free I did know it, self-regenerates but did not know it grew so much in one day up to 4 feet. I learned it makes bedding and clothing. I had seen the bedding

  15. I have a pair of bamboo yoga pants and absolutely love them. I would love to try the bamboo sheets and bedding if they are as nice as my pants.

  16. Bamboo clothing sounds amazing! I usually wear cotton for coolness and breathability especially socks and t-shirts. I’ve always been happy with cotton but I’m definitely willing to be even happier with bamboo.

  17. I learned that Cariloha bamboo shirts are super soft, in fact they are twice as soft as cotton. Also Bamboo is Eco-friendly and saves trees.

  18. I love that it prevents odor, honestly. It seems to be naturally organic free of pesticides. And,the shorts my husband would wear.

  19. I’m thinking that clothing from bamboo must be super comfy. I love the fact that bamboo is a natural product and that it can regrow so quickly.

  20. I did not realize bamboo naturally repels odors. I already loved bamboo for it’s eco friendly quality but this fact makes them even better!!

  21. Everytime I go to an island I make sure I stop by Cariloha. Bamboo is so soft and comfortable. I love everything I’ve ever bought.

  22. I don’t think I’ve ever felt bamboo clothing or sheets. I also didn’t know that they made clothing.

  23. Dads do like being pampered, too! Cariloha has clothing that is so soft that my dad would love. He does a lot of hiking & camping so this apparel would be cozy.

  24. I am so sold! I love the environmental benefits of choosing bamboo and the soft comfort. Clothes, linens, sheets – yes please!

  25. My hubz does HVAC heating and air and has been searching for clothing that will help keep him cool,dry and odor free on the job. I think Cariloha bamboo clothing is the solution he’s been looking for. Thank you for a great review!

  26. Everything from Cariloha sounds amazing! I think my husband would love the bamboo clothing and sheets! He is very much a texture person and likes everything to be super soft.

  27. Wow, I never knew you could make bedding and clothing from bamboo. I think it is so interesting that the bamboo in clothing keeps you cool and wicks moisture away, How awesome it that!

  28. I bought my husband and I a couple of pairs of the socks when I was in Vegas, we love how soft they are and I want to try the towels or sheets.

  29. We love bamboo! We have a new bamboo floor. I would like to try the clothes. They look super soft and comfortable. Great Company!

  30. Everything sounds amazing. I don’t have any bamboo products, but i like everything it offers. Especially keeping me cool at night (sheets) as i can’t sleep at all, when it gets hot.

  31. I love that it the shirts would keep my man cool, he sweats a lot at his job as a heavy machine operator, I also think its great that they are eco friendly and are saving trees. Even if I don’t win anything I am defiantly buying something

  32. I did know that bamboo was a renewable resource. I just didn’t realize how many products can be made with it. That clothing is especially soft is always a great thing even softer than cotton is just wow!

  33. never tried any bamboo materials! i’ve heard it feels very soft! would like to try something esp in the warmer temps and see how cool i feel.

  34. I’ve heard a lot about Cariloha products and all good things; I would love to try them some day. I know that bamboo clothing and textiles are super soft and comfortable. Thank you for the review.

  35. I had no idea that bamboo was 3 degrees cooler than cotton! And that it repels odors and allergens…amazing!

  36. I think it’s so important to make eco-conscious decisions when possible so I love that bamboo is so sustainable. And twice as soft as cotton, what’s not to like?

  37. I’d like to have some of them clothes. Looks comfy and great to move around in. I live an active lifestyle. I like to walk for miles and miles everyday.

  38. I love that bamboo helps cut down on odors in the fabrics… I try to get my exercise clothes made in it for exactly that reason!

  39. As we age, we are all about comfort in our clothing! These products are labeled as soft and comfortable. Those are a big plus for us!

  40. We live in the hot south where it is also very humid. Breathable cool fabrics are what we need. I prefer natural products and products that are also healthy. Thank you so much for this review, as I have been thinking about buying Bamboo fabric products.

  41. We live in Kissimmee. So, I prefer loose cotton clothing. I love that bamboo can be made into clothing that keeps you dry, cool, and odor-free.

  42. I would like to have some bamboo bedding…I know its versatile. It surpasses cotton…for cooling the body.

  43. I first was introduced to Cariloha on a cruise to the Caribbean back in 2010? we bought sheets and a t-shirt for my son. He loved it…..it was so soft. OMG. He didn’t take good care of it so I took it and held on to it for all these years. He had since forgotten about it…I planned to give it back when he moves out at the end of the year BUT he has put on quite a few pounds and wouldn’t fit him. If he loses the weight he gets it back… otherwise it is mine!!!! Now I did not know about the socks? never knew they had socks and that they repel ODOR…omg…I definitely need to get him some of those. probably for my hubby too since they will keep his feet feeling cooler and more comfy. I know what I am getting them for Christmas! we have since bought 3 more sets of sheets (one we gave to my oldest son who loved them when he stayed here so we bought him a set) the other two are ours and those 3 sets are all we use. The original ones are different then the two newer ones but they are still great. you can’t go wrong with cariloha…I will probably pick up a dress on my next cruise.

  44. I love that bamboo wicks moisture away from your body and keeps you cooler….especially great for the summer!!!

  45. We are all about super comfortable clothing and linens, so Cariloha items sound great. I really love the natural aspect of bamboo and that it repels odors and allergens.

  46. Amazing how quickly bamboo grows. I love that products made of bamboo are so soft and that they are made with pesticide-free bamboo.

  47. Love that the socks repel odor. My husband is in landscaping and shoes get wet. Wet socks and shoes is not a good combo.

  48. I like the men’s bamboo tee shirt that keeps you feeling cool and comfortable. Those bamboo socks that let your feet breathe are also great, especially in summer. Also, love the blue plush bamboo blanket your daughter has.

  49. I love your daughter’s shirt! And we are suckers for a good hoodie in our house! I’m always taking my husbands, and I love how simple their hoodie is!

  50. I have a set of Bamboo towels, they are so comfortable. I would love to try the different products that they have to offer. I’m sure the other products are soft as can be.

  51. I don’t think I’ve ever tried anything bamboo, however I’ve heard so many wonderful things about it. I’m loving the looks of the clothing on your husband. They look like great quality and it is nice to know that they’re breathable clothing. And of course, the sheets are awesome, too! Definitely going to check out their products. Sucks that they’re quite expensive, though.

  52. Does your daughter have her dad’s smile or what?! Very cute. Until your review, I had no idea Cariloha made clothing. My husband really needs some new clothes. He is definitely into comfort…so their items would be perfect for him.

  53. Cariloha has the solution to keep you dry, cool, and odor-free every day ,that’s always a plus,,,,,in SC or any where ..Thanks for a great review

  54. I knew Bamboo was soft and helps to keep you cool but I didn’t realize that it also repels odors and allergens. This would be great for our family of athletes and also for me the one who does all their laundry.

  55. The clothes they have look amazing. I hadn’t heard of this brand before this. Thank you for reviewing them.

  56. I learned that bamboo is 3 degrees cooler than cotton. Wow! I appreciated your review and it brought back my own memories of stealing my Dad’s sweaters. My family would definitely benefit from the benefits of bamboo in our clothing and bedding.

  57. I got a pair of bamboo socks from my Grandmother a couple years ago and a bamboo towel for my bridal shower. They are so soft, I just love them. I’ve heard of Cariloha before but haven’t tried them myself. Your review is great! It tells me all I need to know about the quality! Thanks for sharing!

  58. I like that the bamboo socks are soft, breathable and also repels odors and allergens. Hubby is a sock person too.

  59. I like how that sweater looks. Looks really comfy. I like how they are soft. My son has sensory process disorder so he has to have everything soft or it can cause a melt down. I bet the sheets would be perfect for him. Will have to look into it.

  60. I like how that sweater looks. Looks really comfy. I like how they are soft. My son has sensory process disorder so he has to have everything soft or it can cause a melt down. I bet the sheets would be perfect for.

  61. I did not know that bamboo grows pesticide-free, self-regenerates when cut down, and some species can grow up to four feet per day. I have been wanting some bamboo clothing for ages, now I must shop for this for the items I’ve been looking for.

  62. I would really love to try out there comforter. I bet it would be so soft and warm and cuddle he. I have a pair of bamboo sheets that are wonderful.

  63. I’ve heard a lot of great things about bamboo linens and clothing and they sounds wonderful. Especially that they keep you cool and dry plus repel allergens and odors.

  64. I have never heard of bamboo clothing…but I love the Tee your husband is wearing and the comfortable way it fits

  65. Bamboo grows pesticide-free, self-regenerates when cut down, makes eco friendly which I like. some species can grow up to four feet per day means the supply can meet the demand. bamboo clothing, bedding and towels keep you dry, cool, and odor-free every day means comfort

  66. After reading this review I now def want to try these shirts. They seem so soft and comfy and I need more shirts like that! Cant say enough good things about this company. they are great

  67. The comfort and softness of the sheets are very appealing to me. There’s nothing better than crawling into a soft pair of sheets after a long day.

  68. I had no idea they had clothing like this available to purchase. Would love to try all of them. I do have a set of towels that we all fight over.

  69. I would love to try one of the blankets. I really need a good new blanket that I can use year round. These seem like a good choice for any season! I like their color choices too 🙂

  70. Even though I’m on a very small fixed income I was an egyptian sheet, like a million thread count, snob. Then I bought these bamboo sheets and they are the best ever. So soft and comfy.

  71. I am impressed that Bamboo grows pesticide-free, self-regenerates when cut down, and some species can grow up to four feet per day

  72. I want to get some of the bamboo socks and shorts for my husband. They should keep him cool while repelling moisture.

  73. I learned that the clothing keeps you a little bit cooler and as someone who overheats way too easily (due to a couple different health problems) i’m always looking for ways to stay cool.

  74. Love keeping it green ! Save the earth ; I also love how it is allergen free along with multiple products from socks to shirts to sheets for the bed !

  75. I have never tried any bamboo products,I am so amazed by all the items made from bamboo and how soft shirts,towels and sheets are but the thing that I was most amazed by is that bamboo naturally repels odors and allergens which I love because I have kids with allergies and my husband works hard and sweats a lot and so I would like him to try a shirt or two.

  76. I’ve found that bamboo fabrics are the softest! I love how they feel, and that I can trust them around my children, also, who doesn’t like being environmentally conscience.

  77. Their products sure look and sound like super quality ones. The only thing I have in bamboo is a plant and my hardwood floors. The bamboo mattress, sheets, and blanket could possibly help my allergies and asthma. Maybe even let me sleep. 2 hrs. after I go to bed, I’m still wide awake. I need something that will help me get to sleep. This just may be the ticket. They have perfected every detail in their products it seems. Hope I get to find out one day!

  78. I have several items of theirs including a pair of socks – they are so soft and comfy!!! I’d love a set of their bath sheets!!

  79. As an asthma sufferer, I’m happy to know it repels allergens and odors, both are triggers… I seriously love these type products. Never had any but looking in stores.. feeling the softness of the towels and t-shirts.. is just wow.

  80. I have heard so many good things about bamboo products but I did not know that they could repel odors and allergens. I think it is wonderful that the products are so environmentally friendly but yet are soft and comfy.

  81. I had no idea bamboo naturally repels allergens. That would be wonderful for me during summer when my allergies are at their highest due to all the pollen in the air.

  82. Ok…I am sold! I haven’t tried any kind of Bamboo clothing, but I want to now! I had no idea that Bamboo clothing keeps you cool, and that the plant actually grows so fast. I love that the company actually worries about putting back what they use (or growing back). Very cool company!!! God bless everyone!

  83. Bamboo self generates and it is very good for the environment. The clothes and sheets are very cool and soft.

  84. I had no idea it could grow up to 4 feet a day! Wow – you could practically watch it grow 🙂 I like bamboo products are so eco friendly

  85. I think the socks would be perfect for my son! After working all day his feet are so sweaty and stinky I make him keep his boots and socks outside!

  86. It looks really soft and comfortable so I like that about the clothing. I hate to wear anything that is just not comfy.

  87. I didn’t know that Cariloha had expanded into clothing, I definitely would like to add some of these to my wardrobe. I have had bamboo towels before and they are amazing and very durable.

  88. Cariloha makes amazing products my daughter has a shirt and it is so soft. The first product we had that is bamboo. I gave my friend a set of sheets and they were very soft and I like all the different colors they have in them too. My husband would love their clothes too.

  89. I have always heard the Bamboo sheets are super soft and wicks moisture away from your body. What I didn’t know was that the clothing does the same thing and that it also repels odors and allergens.

  90. Bamboo clothing sounds amazing! I love that Cariloha offers such a wide variety of clothing as well as bedding. I bet everything is so soft and breathable, I definitely can’t wait to try some!

  91. I would absolutely love to try their towels! I switched to bamboo pillows after i had an allergic reaction to my old polyester ones, so I’d love to switch to bamboo towels next.

  92. I learned Bamboo grows pesticides-free self-regenerates when cut down and some species can grow up to 4 feet per day! How interesting! i did not know that! I would love to try and have some in my home! thanks for the chance !

  93. What surprises me most is that bamboo products are twice as soft as cotton. I’m strictly a cotton wearer but after reading about bamboo fabrics I am looking forward to trying them.

  94. Something twice as soft as cotton and wicks moisture away. I have to use. How it repels odors & allergens and is eco-friendly is not a hard decision.

  95. Cariloha makes super items! I have a set of their sheets, and a bamboo T shirt from them. I agree with everything you said, especially the part about howbamboo refrigerates naturally. I am always SO hot – especially when I sleep! The Caliloha sheets are my total favorites, they really do keep me cool, and the T shirt stays fresh and keeps me fresh, too. Just wicks away the moisure!

  96. I’ve been wanting to replace all our towels with bamboo towels for quite a while, I will someday! I’m ordering the bedding today!

  97. I love that the bamboo products are 100 percent natural. I also love that they feel so soft. I have bamboo sheets and love them.

  98. I would love to try the clothes for my youngest son. He will only wear elastic waistbands and so far most of them are poor quality. I love Cariloha, but I had no idea they sold clothes.

    • Everything is wonderful..I’m a huge fan of bamboo..I like all the clothing, pet bed, mattress and bath towels..but favorite is resort line bedding!
      Love my bamboo dresses!
      Need linens


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